Blue Whale sightings are at high numbers for Monterey Bay. Whales in the central coast area of California this past month are reported to be the most seen in the past decade in Monterey Bay.
Here is an amazing closeup of Blue whales and Humpback whales taken three days ago from one of Monterey’s whale watching cruises Princess Monterey Whale Watching 7-7-2010 Blue and Humpback Whales.
Princess Monterey Whale Watching is one of the major whale watching tour boats out of Monterey. There are several other tour companies operating from the Monterey Fisherman’s Wharf.
For land viewing the coastline of Point Lobos is reputed to be one of the best places for seashore sightings of whales right now.
Sea Lions on the Beach at Fisherman’s Wharf, Monterey
They’re back !!!
The sea lions of the central coast left the region last year in high numbers. Food sources moved north and most of the sea lions of the Monterey Bay and San Francisco headed up to the Oregon coast. Then an unusual number of pups were born this spring in the cold waters of Monterey Bay. Normally they are born farther south in California. Apparently the trip south from Oregon was a bit too long for the moms.
The beach in Monterey near Fisherman’s Wharf has had hundreds of sea lions basking in the sun these past weeks.

Watching the young sea lions play and swim in the clear water is a treat. These large animals move incredibly fast under the water as they swim quickly around rocks and leap over other marine swimmers.
The sea lion barking is loud and their smell is strong. This is quite a spectacle to behold in Monterey. Come on down and check out the Monterey Bay wildlife this summer.
Who knows how long the sea lions and whales will hang around in such abundance and this close to people?