Search Results for : point lobos

Unlucky 13? Not when Point Lobos whale spotting.

Gray whale migration is swimming south this January past the Monterey Peninsula of California’s Central Coast. I walked from Highway 1 into Point Lobos State Reserve around 11:40am and after a little more than a mile walk through the Monterey

Whale of a show at Point Lobos

Humpback whales are hanging around the central coast this month in their summer feeding grounds around Monterey Bay. This week has been the best shoreline whale watching experiences since July 2014 when a similar oceanic event happened around these parts

Point Lobos is my mistress

Point Lobos is my mistress. At least that is what my wife claims. She accuses me at times of spending more time with Point Lobos in her part of the woods than here at home in our part of the

Rare sea otter twin pups at Point Lobos State Reserve

Yesterday I was on a mission to find sea otter pups. This is the peak of the annual birthing season, although sea otters give birth any month of the year. Finding a Southern sea otter is not necessarily an easy

Hiking the Million Dollar View from Hyatt Highlands Inn at Point Lobos State Reserve, California

This article is not a review of the Hyatt Highlands Inn in the Carmel Highlands of Central Coast California. This is a photo essay of the hike I took at Point Lobos State Reserve, the park seen from the windows

Shore Whalers History at Point Lobos State Park, California

Point Lobos State Park is six miles south of where I live in Monterey, California. In the mid-19th century, from about 1861 to 1882, some 250 whales were processed at Whalers Cove in Point Lobos State Park. Whales were slaughtered

Been on a California road trip this week

Gas prices in California have been floating between $5 and $6 per gallon since March 2022. I’d love to see those places where gas is so low that the average price for a gallon of gas today in the USA

Monterey-Carmel-Big Sur-Santa Cruz

Monterey Allegiant Airlines Monterey’s cheapest flights for tiny packers (May 15, 2019) Monterey in May means seal pups and humpback whales (May 3, 2019) Monterey Bay where the wild things still live (Nov 2, 2018) Monterey Jazz Festival Hotel Reward

Loyalty Traveler – California

California Travels Sierra Nevada Mountains Rafting Tuolumne River Wilderness with SierraMac. Mark Twain’s legacy in Calaveras County, California jumping frogs at Calaveras County Fair (May 24, 2014) Rafting the Tuolumne River Wilderness (May 24, 2014) 18 miles with Sierra Mac River Trips

Loyalty Traveler Travels

This is a collection of posts from countries and states, cities, hotels, airports, parks and museums where I have traveled on Loyalty Traveler trips over the past decade. My trip reports focus on cost of travel, hotel and flight reviews
