Airfare Deals Airlines and Fare Deals American Airlines United Kingdom

LAX or SFO to Scotland in July low $585rt AA Basic Economy

a screenshot of a flight schedule

American Airlines has Basic Economy tickets from LAX and SFO to Inverness (INV), Scotland at $585 round trip for departures beginning July 31, 2023. This is $79 lower than the $694 AA ticket price to London LHR and hundreds of dollars less than ticket prices for most destinations in Europe for July departures.

Ticket prices from USA to European airports typically drop for flights departing in August, sometimes by hundreds of dollars, and continue to drop for shoulder season travel in September and October.

a screenshot of a flight schedule

a screenshot of a flight schedule

While there is a $585 ticket price from LAX to INV Inverness routing through DFW outbound, the image above shows a $589 ticket flying LAX-LHR nonstop outbound.

In a summer showing some record high airfares to Europe for early summer travel, these low ticket prices from California to Scotland are a real deal for booking last-minute mid-summer international travel.

