Marriott Super Silent Auction has some good deals for hotels around the USA and Toronto bidding for 2-night hotel stays. CLOSING TIME: Fri 05:00 PM CDT 10/28/22.
Bid online and help local kids.
The Greater Omaha-Lincoln Marriott Business Council annual online silent auction benefits Children’s Hospital & Medical Center and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. The auction runs for two weeks starting Friday, Oct. 14 at 7 a.m. The silent auction is open until 5 p.m. CST on Friday, Oct 28. Winners will be visible on the website and then notified after the auction closes.
The problem this year is this auction has been running since October 14 and seems to be too silent. To my surprise, there have been no bids on 16 of the 25 hotel packages.
There is a minimum starting bid for each property. Most of these are great deals at the starting bid price if you happen to be near one of the hotels on offer. Some packages come with extras like complimentary parking, breakfast, golf package and upgraded room categories. Some packages are restricted to weekend stays. There is a $15 additional handling charge added to the winning bid.
You will receive a paper certificate if you have the winning bid and reservations are generally arranged through the hotel’s sales department representative.
Hotels with No Bids are Labeled ‘Starting Bid’

My Take:
There are real deals for some of these hotels. I purchased hotel stays through this auction over several years for places like Heidelberg Marriott, Germany and Riviera Marriott Hotel La Porte de Monaco.
Marriott Riviera La Porte de Monaco on the waterfront (Oct 11, 2017).
Here is my article from December 2014 showing winning bids from that year’s Super Silent Auction. I scored two deals with a hotel stay in Marriott Anaheim for a Disneyland trip and an $80 night in Boston at Marriott Copley Place. I tried to score Marriott Riviera La Porte that year and was outbid in the final seconds. Fortunately, I won the bid for that hotel two years later.
This is a smaller list than seen before the pandemic and there is only one international hotel participating this year. I recall also winning a bid one year for a hotel on Australia’s Gold Coast that went unused.