Hotel Reviews Loyalty Traveler trip reports

New pages for trip reports and ten years of hotel reviews

a large green light up sign

I spent the past day creating new pages for Hotel Reviews and Loyalty Traveler Travels trip reports for 2012-2019.

Hotel Reviews are two pages for USA Hotels and International Hotels.

There are dozens more hotel reviews to be added to USA Hotels, especially for California.

Trip Reports I set up by year going back to 2012-13. There are several more trip reports I would like to piece together with their own pages during the years 2008-2013 when I spent many weeks driving across the western states.

Anyway, hope this makes Loyalty Traveler site more user friendly for interested readers.

a sign on a wall
Hotel Indigo London Leicester Square hallway decor



  • P T August 8, 2019

    This is great! Thank you.

  • Marilyn B August 8, 2019

    Thanks! This is helpful.
    I used one of your days in Dublin (your Booterstown walk) already. Never would have done that if it wasn’t for your post. And I look forward to using some of your reports for various European locales in the future.
    Your blog is one of my favorites – because it is so useful, practical, and just really interesting!

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