Norwegian Airlines Oakland to London Gatwick LGW nonstop is one of the least intensive carbon flights between Europe and SF Bay Area. You can get a low fare at $354 round trip for travel January to March 2019.
If you plan to fly at all, then a nonstop flight on a fuel efficient aircraft in an economy class seat is the best way to reduce your carbon footprint on a flight to Europe.
This week’s COP24 Climate Change Conference in Katowice, Poland has me thinking about airline travel’s contribution to global warming.
Three pieces of data I learned in my research to help make better flight choices to minimize the carbon footprint from flying are
- fly more fuel efficient aircraft (787-9 and other newer aircraft)
- fly in a cramped economy seat on a full plane (low cost carriers like Norwegian, WOW tend to fly high passenger loads in dense seating with minimal space for premium seats),
- fly fewer flight segments (nonstop is better than a one-stop is better than a two-stop itinerary to your destination).
Norwegian Airlines ranks as the most fuel efficient transatlantic airline in The International Council on Clean Transportation 2017 Transatlantic Airline Fuel Efficency rankings.
Norwegian Airlines Oakland OAK – London LGW
Norwegian Airlines London LGW – Oakland OAKÂ
164.90 GBP ($208.48 USD)Â Thu March 21
Change language at bottom of Norwegian page to English UK and website changes to GBP currency for lower ticket price.
London LGW – Oakland one-way ticket price is $21 more at $230 one way through USA site.