Hotel Loyalty 2013-Q2 promotions

Cascade Lakes, Oregon Scenic Byway

Cascade Lakes Scenic Byway offers mountains and lakes and volcanoes in an easy drive out of Bend, Oregon. This area is worth a visit whether for a day drive or a multi-night hike and camping trip.

Two years ago, June 2011, I passed through the region on a road trip from Monterey to Vancouver, British Columbia and back again. My memory from that trip was snow, snow and more snow piled up alongside the roads, on and around the mountains in mid-June. I had planned to enter Crater Lake from the north entrance, but the pass had not opened by mid-June that year in a season with far higher than average snow fall.

The snow seasons have been less than average the two years since.

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Cascade Lakes Scenic Byway is 66 miles long and a relatively flat road through the Oregon Cascades west of Bend, Oregon.

Loyalty Traveler Oregon road trip articles:

Under Cascade Blue Skies – Cascade Lakes Scenic Byway in Oregon (June 23, 2011)

Deep Blue Water under a Mirror Sky – Crater Lake National Park and Crater Lake Lodge (June 25, 2011)

Enter the Loyalty traveler iPod Touch giveaway this week.

You can enter the National Car Rental sponsored contest to win a free iPod Touch and $50 iTunes gift card by submitting a photo of yourself enjoying outside life.

National Car Rental #SummerOnTheGo iPod and iTunes Card Giveaway (June 12, 2013)


