Carlson Hotels has a 30% discount offer code 30PCTOFF for hotels in the Americas booked by December 13 for stays from December 23 through March 3, 2012.
This offer is valid for Radisson Hotels, Country Inns & Suites and Park Inn hotels in US and Mexico.
This offer has overlap with the Radisson Big Night Giveaway 50,000 points bonus for a stay at a Radisson Hotel by December 30. The Park Inn promotion for 15,000 points ends December 31 and overlaps a week when these discount rates are in effect.
[LT update Dec 2: Club Carlson extended this offer from end-date Dec 15 to December 31. Thanks to reader Kumar for pointing out the change to the promotion period in the comments of this post.]
These discount rates earn Club Carlson points and are eligible for the Radisson Big Night Giveaway bonus during the one week promotion overlap from December 23-30, 2011. The 30% discount rate only applies to standard rooms, so don’t expect big suite discounts.
Radisson Hotels 30% discount page and list of participating hotels in Americas.
Park Inn Hotels 30% discount page and list of participating hotels in US and Mexico.
Country Inns & Suites 30% discount page and list of participating hotels in Americas.
T.G.I. Friday’s loyalty program enrollment earns 1,000 Club Carlson points and 100 bonus Stripes credits.
Carlson is a family owned global company that consists of more than 900 T.G.I. Friday’s restaurants in 60 countries in addition to 1,100 Carlson Hotels.
T.G.I. Friday’s has its own loyalty program – Stripes. Enroll now and you will receive 1,000 Club Carlson Gold Points in addition to 100 Stripes credits. This offer expires December 18, 2011.

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