is moderating a tweet-up @complicatedmama with sponsor @HiltonHHonors and celebrity guest @JohnnyJet from 8-9pm EST tonight on Twitter to talk up Hilton HHonors hotel loyalty program.
Participants are asked to RSVP and there will be Hilton prizes given including points and a $500 gift card. The contest portion is open to US residents only.
To qualify for a prize:
1. Follow @HiltonHHonors on Twitter
2. Sign up for HHonors membership (What, you are not already a member?)
3. RSVP your attendance for the tweet-up at
Hashtag: #HHTravel
For Twitter newbies the hashtag symbol (#) is one of the basic tools to know when using Twitter for a real purpose like following a conversation. #HHTravel when included in a tweet allows the tweet to be searched. Do a Twitter search for #HHTravel and all the tweets in the conversation will appear.
An online event like this is easy to follow and participate in interactively by repeatedly searching and updating tweets containing #HHTravel and using this hastag in your tweets so others can see your input to the conversation.
There are only 62 people so far who have made an RSVP for the event. Check out and RSVP for this evening’s event.
Join in Loyalty Traveler readers. Let’s help Corine get this party started and bring a larger audience to the Hilton HHonors Tweet-up.
Free points. What more do we want?
And this is where you will find Loyalty Traveler on Twitter.