All-inclusive rewards providing food and beverage and kids activities at seven Marriott Resorts in Mexico, Costa Rica and the Caribbean have been discontinued effective October 17, 2011 with no advance notice to members.
Inclusive rewards were 70,000 points for five nights or 90,000 points for seven nights at select all-inclusive resorts and covered meals, beverages including alcohol and some activities for two adults and children under 12. The all-inclusive reward option was on top of the regular hotel reward cost and only available at the following Marriott resorts:
- Grand Cayman Marriott Beach Resort, Cayman Islands
- Curacao Marriott Beach Resort & Emerald Casino, Curacao
- Los Suenos Marriott Ocean & Golf Resort, Herradura, Costa Rica
- CasaMagna Marriott Cancún Resort, Cancun, Mexico
- CasaMagna Marriott Puerto Vallarta Resort & Spa, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- St. Kitts Marriott Resort & Royal Beach Casino, Frigate Bay, St. Kitts and Nevis
- Frenchman’s Reef & Morning Star Marriott Beach Resort, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
Hello all,
To help clear up some confusion, The All Inclusive Reward has been discontinued as of Oct. 17th.
Members with an existing reward reservation at one of these affected properties may still request an all-inclusive reward up to January 17, 2012. This new deadline for requesting an all-inclusive reward to accompany an existing reservation was provided by Marriott Concierge on FlyerTalk yesterday and appears to have been an after-thought response by Marriott Rewards to accommodate angry member feedback about the elimination of this reward option with no notice.
Losing these food and beverage rewards at 90,000 points for seven nights of meals and drinks might seem like little loss for a low value reward considering their high price, but FlyerTalk members report saving in the range of $1,700 considering the cost of meals and drinks could easily run $200 to $300 per day at these resorts.
Marriott Rewards discontinued offering all-inclusive rewards for Aruba Marriott Resort in January 2010 without any advance notice to members. Now Marriott Rewards has followed up that move with the elimination of all-inclusive rewards at all the remaining resorts without advance member warning.
Hands down disrespect for Marriott Rewards members.
Hat Tip: The Gate

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