Marriott posted today on FlyerTalk the complete list of 351 hotels moving up and 89 hotels moving down in category on March 8.
On a personal note: I sincerely thank you Marriott for releasing the full list of category changes prior to implementing the changes. A reward night increase of 5,000 points per night might not seem like a big deal, but for some members a 5,000 points per night reward increase means a free night is another $500 in hotel spend out of reach. Earning an additional 5,000 points for a reward night is a big deal for some members who may only have accumulated sufficient points for one or two hotel nights after several years of hotel stays.
I hope I didn’t burn my bridges with Marriott managers. IÂ truly think full transparency with regard to category changes is the right action to take for a socially responsible corporation that markets the ability to earn free hotel nights through its Marriott Rewards loyalty program.
If one member benefits (not me personally since I only have 278 points)  from booking a reward this week for a hotel that will increase in cost next week, then I feel the social media efforts to move Marriott in the right direction were justified.
A big Loyalty Traveler “Thanks” to all the other voices that helped sway Marriott to release the full list of hotel reward category changes before the March 8 increase.
Now find a good hotel and book some reward nights.

Related Post: February 25, 2011 –
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