Discover America Daily Getaways has Hyatt points going on sale in packages of 24,000; 30,000; 36,000; and 69,000 points at 10:00AM Eastern time Tuesday, May 11. The rate is basically $10/1,000 points; slightly more or less depending on the package.
Like with the Starwood points sale last week on Daily Getaways, the Hyatt pages give the impression that the purchase is for a certain category hotel, but the fine print shows the purchase item is actually Gold Passport points. The member is free to redeem points for whatever hotel or redemption item desired.
There are four packages and there is a purchase limit of one item in each package:
- $225 for 24,000 points is the best rate. 100 items for sale.
- $300 for 30,000 points. 35 items.
- $375 for 36,000 points. 15 items.
- $700 for 69,000 points.15 items.
Normally a member can only buy 10,000 points from Hyatt Gold Passport in a calendar year and the purchase rate is $20 per 1,000 points and only available when needing up to 10% of points for a redemption award.
This offer on Tuesday, May 11 is half-price points with a much higher limit. I just spent 24,000 points to save $400 on two nights in a category 3 hotel that is dropping to category 2 next month.
Hyatt’s June 4 award charts will have 24% of hotels in the 5,000 point per night category 1 and 36% of hotels in category 2 for 8,000 points per night.
These are good deals for adding lots of points to your account without needing lots of hotel stays. But remember that lots of hotel stays right now will earn a free night or 5,000 points for every two stays.
These packages will likely sell out in five minutes. Be on time if you want to secure a purchase.

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