
Loyalty Traveler Transported to Technorati Top Ten Travel Blogs

A wonderful occurrence happened this weekend. I woke up today to see Loyalty Traveler ranks #9 on the Technorati.com Top 100 Travel blogs.

Technorati.com blog rankings fluctuate daily. I can’t discern any correlation to blog rank going up or down and my Loyalty Traveler website traffic or blog topic. I am just happy to see some independent measure showing Loyalty Traveler on a scale. Website ranking sites like Alexa.com, compete.com, and others rank BoardingArea.com as a site, but they do not show Loyalty Traveler as an individual blog. Technorati.com is one place where I can see Loyalty Traveler ranked as an individual blog.

Loyalty Traveler blog has been in the Technorati Top 100 travel blogs for most of the past six months since the blog ranking website changed its algorithms in October 2009. Loyalty Traveler blog has consistently ranked in the #60 to #99 range for all but a few weeks out of the Top 100 travel blogs and a few weeks in the #43 to #59 range. Then yesterday I looked at Technorati and saw Loyalty Traveler blog jumped from #61 last Monday to #12 on the Technorati Top 100 Travel blogs.

a screenshot of a website
Loyalty Traveler shoots up to #12 on Technorati Top Travel Blogs (4-10-10)

Today I broke the Technorati.com top 10 travel blogs for the first time, entering at #9 on April 11, 2010.

a screenshot of a website
Loyalty Traveler breaks Technorati Top 10 on April 11, 2010

The time looks right for growing.

Hey hotels and luggage companies, I am seeking advertisers so I can finance an accompanying Loyalty Traveler website separate from the blog with more hotel travel related resources and hotel loyalty program guides.

Contact me ricgarrido@loyaltytraveler.com if you are interested in discussing highly focused target group advertising for your hotel, hotel brand, hotel chain, luggage brand.

Of course, I plan to keep writing here at BoardingArea.com for the foreseeable future to offer Loyalty Traveler hotel travel tips for free.   

After all, I want to stay in the Technorati.com Top 100 travel blogs!

1 Comment

  • Oliver April 11, 2010

    Congrats, Ric!

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