Hilton Honors loyalty program

Hilton HHonors Dumped Me This Week

Hilton HHonors dumped me this week. After 10 years together my long time friend Hilton HHonors broke off our relationship.

BFF best friends forever.  

I guess not.

Sure I used you over the years. More than I probably should have. Admittedly, I certainly took more than I gave in our relationship.

But did you really have to quit me?

While I haven’t been coming around lately, I still had plans to spend more time with you in the future. Hey, we have our whole lives to be together. I have been occupied with other things and places. Time just slipped quietly past.

Apparently you have been counting the days of my absence. I didn’t realize you missed me to the extent you were on the verge of dumping me.

You always have friends sleeping over.  In my own little way I feel like I’ve been working to send you more friends to keep you company during our time away from each other.

Today provided a rude awakening when I came around your address and tried my password to get back in our place only to find you had changed the lock on me. 

Knowing you tossed out all the points I left at your place from past trips hurts, but I guess it is fair game. You had warned me about staying away too long.

Hilton Auckland, New Zealand
Hilton Auckland, New Zealand August 2005

Isn’t it funny how we have changed over the years? 

You used to shower me with diamond amenities, free food and drinks, and those nights in your beds were really something special to me. These days I am lucky if I can even get you to answer the phone when I call.

You tell me now I am not an active participant in our relationship, yet I pay more attention to you than almost all your other friends. Sure others come around and shower you with money, use you, and as quickly leave you alone until the next time they are in town.  I visit you regularly even if I don’t stay the night. I talk about you all the time to whoever will listen.

I guess our friendship ultimately was really just about the money. You wanted more and I didn’t have enough these past couple of years to share with you. I know times are financially hard for you, but I have been having a harder time financially too. This recession is battering lots of us.

I have to tell you that I am hurt by your actions, but I still love you for the doors you opened for me.

Hilton Amsterdam April 2003
Hilton Amsterdam April 2003


I’ll always remember our weeks in Amsterdam fondly. You changed my life. For the better I like to think.

And I appreciated how you gave me comfort and security during those wild nights in South America. You sheltered me in Caracas and Quito while I traveled on that crazy LatinPass itinerary.

Then there was the night in Singapore when the fireworks over the harbor filled the air with smoke and you put me up in the Conrad Hotel. I still recall the service level at the Conrad as the most impressive I have experienced to this day.

One of the most romantic moments of my life was when you took me to Budapest. I sat in the large window sill overlooking the Danube late into the night as I listened to violins play in the streets below on Castle Hill.  

You gave me some beautiful memories.

Then the changes came.

We never fully recovered from that summer I went to Australia. While down under I started spending more time with Starwood at night.

What can I say? I am a rogue. I like to sleep around.

You waited patiently for me to come back to your rooms night after night, month after month, year after year.

My visits were spaced farther and farther apart each year. I took you for granted too long.

And now you have dumped me.

I’ll miss you.

Ironically, after being absent the past couple of years, I was working you into my schedule next week for a quickie getaway in Vegas. But, now I’m feeling hurt and a little betrayed.

Maybe I’ll come around again. As for now I need a little period to cool off from this sudden change in our relationship.

Still, thanks for the memories Hilton HHonors.

Hilton Schiphol Amsterdam
Hilton Schiphol Amsterdam





  • swag October 9, 2009

    I know HHonors has a short expiration window, and that they are aggressive in enforcing it. But what does it say that someone who writes a **hotel loyalty blog** could let the account expire? Please tell me you didn’t have many points in the account, knew this was coming, and just didn’t care; or else that you sacrificed the points just to get the subject for a very amusing blog entry.

    Keeping HHonors accouns active used to be a hassle, or costly – I once bought points to keep my account open. But now that HHonors is a participant in idine/rewardsnetwork, keeping the account open is as simple as one meal a year charged to the correct credit card.

  • Ric Garrido October 9, 2009

    Not too many points lost, but enough for a free night at a Category 3 hotel. Over the past ten years I earned and burned around 2 million points.

    Keeping accounts open is simple, but does require maintenance. It gets even more difficult when one has miles and points spread out over dozens of frequent flier and hotel loyalty program accounts.

    That requires a lot of credit card activity and I have been cutting back on that aspect of my spending.

    I used to keep spreadsheets and track everything, but I don’t bother anymore.

    As I said, I’ve been occupied and let the time slip by with Hilton.

    I did keep my Aeroplan account alive for another year by some credit card activity last week.

    Losing a free night at Hilton is a drag, but losing a free international premium flight award would truly be a loss.

    I had points sit around in Marriott Rewards with no activity for 6 years before using them. And then Marriott upgraded me on my award stay.

    These are tough times and customer relations are fragile. Hilton has their policies, but are they good business in these times?

  • Ed October 9, 2009

    Nice post! Loved it.

    For keeping track of the points, I’ve recently starting using Yodlee. Gives you a dashboard view of all of your points, and tells you when they are about to expire.

  • Oliver October 9, 2009

    Sorry to hear about your loss. I guess HHonors now sleeps with me as I read your post and write this while looking over Tokyo Bay from the Conrad on a four night award stay.

    I do track all my family’s programs in a spreadsheet (in google docs, so I always have access to it). It’s less than a dozen programs, though.

  • Ric Garrido October 9, 2009

    Tokyo is still a place I want to see. I’ve transited Narita more than a dozen times, but never stopped over.

    Looking at my MexicanaGo miles options today and JAL still seems to be the best value.

    I may be Tokyo bound in my future.

    The Park Hyatt will be my likely bed partner.

  • Oliver October 11, 2009

    First time for me in Japan, and loving it.

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