There are 50 Paddington Bear sculptures currently displayed around London through the end of 2014. Each bear is a unique design from celebrities like Emma Watson, Stephan Fry and Andrew Lloyd Weber. The sculptures were unveiled on November 4 and the London exhibit runs through December 30, 2014. The new movie Paddington opens today in the UK.
We have seen advertisements for the Paddington movie in the London Underground stations and on the sides of double decker buses since our first night in London. After seeing my fifth Paddington Bear sculpture, I googled “Paddington Bear London statues” to learn about the exhibit.
There is even a Paddington Bear Trail map.

Kelley is a first grade teacher. Finding teachable connections to inspire young readers is a continual objective in the classroom. Paddington Bear is a good role model for kids. He is well-mannered and always addresses a person as Mr., Mrs. or Miss.
Paddington Bear loves marmalade. Kelley does too.

Last week, when I was in Ireland, there were news stories on TV about how Paddington Bear in the new movie Paddington is too skinny and looks too much like a fox.
There are plenty of foxes around London too. On our first night in London this week, Kelley spotted a fox walking alongside Westminster Abbey. For me, that sighting established a sense of good fortune for the trip. I feel a surge of positive energy when I find myself in the presence of wild animals.
Last year, when I was walking around City of Westminster in London on a 22-hour overnight transit layover, a fox trotted out of St. James’s Park, across the road, and paused on the sidewalk in front of me as I was walking to Buckingham Palace on a dark night. Urban Foxes of London (March 15, 2013).

It is Thanksgiving Day in America. I am thankful Kelley and I still have each other after all these years. We have grown older together and we have had the good fortune to experience many years of travel to places we enjoyed.

This week in London is our 25th wedding anniversary trip to revisit the city where we stayed for part of our honeymoon in 1989. The hotel where we stayed then is now Taj 51 Buckingham Gate Suites and Residences. Twenty-five years later, I am writing this piece sitting in The May Fair Hotel looking out to central London’s oldest trees in Berkeley Square as Kelley sleeps soundly in bed. The trees of Berkeley Square were planted over two centuries ago.

Frequent travel can be hard on a relationship. I have always had wanderlust. Kelley is more rooted as a home body person. My need to travel takes over my spirit after I spend several weeks at home. Balancing the need to travel with the need to maintain a stable family life at home is challenging.
Is there a secret for making a travel relationship work over the years?
Paddington Bear is a good role model for relationships too. Be polite, be considerate and remember that each of us basically has an invisible note pinned to our psyche that reads:
“Please look after this bear. Thank you.”
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