Here is a table showing the hotel category shift for USA hotels.
USA properties comprise approximately 88% of total Hilton portfolio.
The average cost of a free hotel night did rise 19.3% for USA properties. I added the cost for each hotel in each category in 2009.
2009: 73,747,500 points / 3,109 hotels = 23,721 points
2010: 88,610,000 / 3,132 hotels = 28,292 points
(28,292 – 23,721) / 23,721 = 19.3% increase for USA. This is in line with all the reports of the past few months of a 20% points devaluation. Of course it is a bit higher if you are redeeming points for a Category 7 hotel in 2010.
80% of the hotels in California, almost 200 hotels, have increased at least one category, and 16 of these hotels increased two categories. Only one hotel of the 243 in California went down one category. 47 of 243 hotels remain in the same category.
San Francisco and San Diego reveal plenty of Category 7 hotels at 50,000 points per night.
This is just my preliminary run through of the numbers.
More analysis to come later.
I will probably just add to this post as I come up with additional analysis today. Check back later.
Related Post: http://loyaltytraveler.boardingarea.com/2010/02/08/hilton-hhonors-2010-hotel-category-shift-analysis/
This is a thorough analysis of the HHonors reward category changes from February 8, 2010.
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