2009 Fall Promotions

Hoteliers Needed! Help Passports with Purpose Build a School in Cambodia

Shout Out to Hoteliers   Passports with Purpose Needs Your Assistance with raffle prizes.

Passports with Purpose is in its second year of bringing together the online travel community in an effort to mobilize social media to a charitable action through this year’s travel bloggers global fundraiser.

The Passports with Purpose action for 2009 is raising $13,000 for American Assistance for Cambodia to build a rural school in Cambodia.

Passports with Purpose is organizing a $10 per ticket raffle for the chance of winning travel gear, products, and destination prizes.  Hotel rooms were a popular raffle prize last year.


My Loyalty Traveler Request

Hoteliers – Please contribute a hotel oriented prize for the Passports with Purpose raffle or consider becoming a sponsor for the Passports with Purpose fundraising effort.  A $500 sponsorship will buy a good amount of advertising across the blogosphere.

A hotel room night (or two), a robe, a spa treatment, a hotel restaurant dinner certificate are just some of the items you might consider for donation to Passports with Purpose.

You will get high quality advertising through the Passports with Purpose travel bloggers fundraiser.  I’ll be repeatedly promoting the Passports with Purpose fundraiser over the next six weeks through Twitter, Facebook, and Loyalty Traveler blog.

While I recognize this is a hectic time during the Thanksgiving holiday week with many hotel industry personnel on vacation, I am asking for a quick response from charitable hoteliers who can donate a raffle prize within the next week for this high value humanitarian and educational cause.

I have already committed from my personal resources to provide a hotel night prize for the raffle.


Any airlines or other travel companies who want to contribute a raffle prize, by all means contact me soon.

Contact me at RicGarridolt@gmail.com or the women at Passports with Purpose to donate prizes or become a sponsor.


Travelers – My request to readers of this blog is bookmark the Passports with Purpose link and return next week to view the prizes being offered and contribute through the purchase of raffle tickets to the goal of raising $13,000 to build a new school in Cambodia. $13,000 to educate Cambodian children is very little money that goes so far in building education infrastructure in this developing country.

The raffle begins November 30, next Monday, and lasts through December 19, 2009.

Who are Passports with Purpose?

The founders of Passports with Purpose are preeminent Seattle travel bloggers Debbie Dubrow (DeliciousBaby.com), Michelle Duffy (WanderMom.com), Pam Mandel (NerdsEyeView.com), and Beth Whitman (WanderlustAndLipstick.com).  These are travel blogs with loyal followers and each blog reaches a large audience in the travel blogging community. Debbie maintains a Top 5 travel blog and Pam is currently listed in the top 25 travel blogs on Technorati. Debbie Dubrow’s DeliciousBaby.com ranked #1 travel blog on Technorati’s Top 100 Travel blogs list last month when its newly revised rankings were released.

The participating travel bloggers form a global list of the online travel community.

Act now, donate, and contribute. Minds need education. I know as a public school teacher with ten classroom years instructing children.

The force of social media is fully realized when a concerted effort brings about an authentic change in a short period of time through sheer numbers of participants.

Loyalty Traveler believes in Passports with Purpose.

Join us for change.


For more information on Passports with Purpose 2009 fundraiser please read these blog posts from the Passports with Purpose founders.

Beth Whitman – Passports with Purpose  – Build a School in Cambodia! (Nov 22, 2009)

Debbie Dubrow – Please Join Us for Passports with Purpose (Nov 18, 2009)

Pam Mandel – Passports with Purpose 2009 (Nov 20, 2009)


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